Here are some pictures from Nunhead Cemetery Open Day. I must admit the few days leading up to the event, I was pretty nervous. The thought of demonstrating letter carving in front of the general public and having to speak to lots of strangers at the same time filled me dread. But I need not of worried, on the whole things went really well. I had lots of good feed back and several people showed a real interest in my work, many of which took my business card. God willing, it may lead to some work in the future months, here's hoping. One thing that was a real concern was the great British weather. Ever since the hose pipe ban it hasn't stopped raining. Seasoned stall holders came prepared with gazeboes and the like, prepared for any eventuality. I on the other hand made do with prayer. Well I am pleased to say my prayers were answered and not a drop of rain landed all day. In many ways the weather was perfect not to hot and not to cold.
A big thank you, to all who came along and me there support. But a special thanks to Tim and Caroline Stevenson who gave me this opportunity. Nunhead Cemetery is such a beautiful place, one of the magnificent seven old cemeteries of London. Well worth a visit to spend a few hours looking round. www.fonc.org.uk.
On the day, I was carving GRACE (one of my lovely daughters who helped me on the day) into a very old and heavy piece of beach wood. It was one of the best woods I have found to carve so far. The finished result, is in my opinion my best and cleanest work so far.
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