Wednesday 23 November 2011


I have not had a lot of time to spend on my wood carving over the last few weeks. But I have just finished this work. This time I used a piece of oak. Oak was by far the best wood I have used so far to carve with. It is harder to cut into, but you get a much sharper crisp line on the letters. I think my letter cutting is getting better, but I have long way to go to master the art. The oak leaves and acorns, I added to the work, are not the best in the world but it was fun to do, with practice I am sure I will improve.

FINAL HAND IN - Design for Visual Communication PG Cert

It has been on my mind, for some time, to present my years work in a old suitcase.

The reason for this is a simple one. I believe this course has been, in many ways, a journey for me. A journey of learning and discovery. A journey that has caused me to walk many miles, along many streets and taking hundreds of pictures; looking at lots of books; visiting galleries and museums; meeting and talking to talented people, as well as spending far too long in front of a computer screen!

The artists that I had the privilege to interview, on my journey, agreed to decorate travel tags for me, which I will tie onto this case. So now, you can see the reasoning behind the old case.  It fits the part - nothing else will do!

The last four or five blogs contain my final body of work. With a little hope and a lot of prayer, maybe this might get me much needed job.


Two more books for my final hand in. Visual Research Book - a sort of diary of the year. Blog Book -  containing transcripts of all my intervies and follow on projects. See below covers and a few pages from each.


My final hand in contained these two books. Here are the covers of each and a few or the inside pages.